Joining us from Suffolk, VA is Carla, who discovered the world of bearding in 2013 and was immediately hooked, attending countless competitions over the past 8 years including the World Championships in Austin, TX in September 2017. Carla is also no stranger to the Judge’s table. This will be her 15th time judging facial follicles. Now a bearding nomad with no club affiliation, Carla was formerly a member of a Hampton Roads, VA based beard club and helped manage the planning and execution of the Whiskers of War beard competitions in Virginia Beach, VA for five years resulting in over $20,000 raised for a local Veterans charity.

Carla is also a supportive wife to her Virginia Bearded Villain husband and adores the beard community. She loves the emphasis on charity and community, and she continues to show her support of bearding and fellow beard clubs in any way she can.